Pek yau - Underaged female version
Tsk tsk.I am awed and dumbfounded by some of the things that kids are capable of doing nowadays.
Compared to my time (which was not so long ago, fiy. hmpf), we never did stuff as extreme like this.
Most of you would have heard of the bashing case a few days ago by female students of Stjoe (which was in fact my former shithole of a school) where they were hurling abuses, slapping (at one point even with a leather belt) and kicking this other mousey girl.. Gawd, this incident was so huge, it even appeared on the front page of The Star..
I mean, i don't wanna sound like my mom, but fuck.. back in my days, we never did stuff like this.. the most we would do would be a slap and a string of abuses.. that's it.. ahem, ok maybe a few more shoving and hair pulling, but never kicking and using leather belts man (So SM btw, kinky! :D). *cough* ok i would know best because i actually loved bullying vulnerable little kids back in my days.. it was actually one of the reasons that would make me look forward to waking up and going to school.. to see if there were any more people for me to bully.
Okay, looking back, i wasn't proud of it because those days were carefree ones where our actions were careless and we never thought of the consequences.. and boy, were there consequences.. some even coming back to haunt you years later..
Take a look at the video please.. i mean like, i couldnt help but feel angered and disgusted man.. i mean like. . WAHLAU EH.. that victim of a girl should fight back man.. show a bit of those samurai moves man .. what i think is she should come to me.. heh heh id love to teach her a couple of tricks :D
Times like this, we should ask ourselves.. what have our world come to.
Tsk tsk.
Okay, i sound like an old fossil talking. I have a reputation to keep!
Goodbye :D
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